Ambassador Presentations

The Sheboygan County Dairy Promotion Team is once again pleased to offer Dairy Presentations to the students in your classroom. In past years our presentations have been well received throughout the county classrooms. We are hoping to share fun and important information about Wisconsin's nutritious dairy industry with your students. If you are at all interested and/or have questions about the presentations please contact the appropriate ambassador for your grade. We are willing to work with you to find a time that works for both of us. You are welcome to share this information with other instructors at your school.
If you are unable to schedule an ambassador lead classroom presentation, but wish to have your students learn about the dairy industry, you may teach the presentation with information from the following website:
For classroom presentations contact:

Dairy Ambassador
Deb & Terry Mentink
4K-2nd Grade
The Sheboygan County Dairy Promotion Association empowers a Dairy Ambassador to offer FREE dairy presentations to students and adults in Sheboygan County. Presentations are developed by the Ambassador with materials offered by the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin and the National Dairy Council. The funds to help support these programs come from Sheboygan County Dairy Promotion Fund Raisers (Breakfast on the Farm & Ice Cream Sales at the County Fair) and the Dedicated Dairy Farm Families of Wisconsin. Please consider supporting these fund raisers to help keep our presentations FREE.
Adult and Youth Group Presentations
If your group or organization would like to learn about the dairy industry and its awesome dairy products - please contact us. Presentations will be tailored to fit your event.
The following listed programs are available presentations for your classroom by a Sheboygan County Dairy Ambassador. Please read the following guidelines BEFORE scheduling a presentation.
- All Dairy Presentations are FREE of charge.
- Due to the popularity of this program it is suggested that instructors schedule early to secure a time most suitable to their curriculum and time availability.
- To make best use of the ambassador's time/mileage/budget please include all classrooms of one grade in your building when scheduling a presentation. The grade may be split into more than one presentation when necessary.If the grade is split it is desirable to do all groups in the same a.m. or p.m.
- In schools with smaller class sizes grades may be combined.
- All presentations will be scheduled at the availability of the dairy ambassador.
- The following presentation list is strongly suggested and may be updated or changed at the ambassador's discretion due to special needs or requests.
- Alternate presentations may be available when necessary.
- The Ambassador requests the exact numbers of students to facilitate the proper number of handouts and treats for the student. Exact numbers are appreciated to help keep costs down so the presentations can remain FREE.
- Instructor information packets will be provided and will include the same items as the student receive.
- The time stated for each presentation is the time needed to complete the program. Please request the time when students are ready for the presentation to start.
- The ambassador will arrive 10 minutes early to get set up.

Current Ambassador Presentations
4 Kindergarten --- “Milk Comes from Where?”
A baby calf grows into a cow and students learn how the dairy farm family takes care of the animals on the farm. This lesson has lots of visual items for the students to enjoy. The students will have fun with Grandpa & Grandma learning about the farm. Students will enjoy a cheese treat. Allow approx. 45 minutes.

5 Kindergarten --- “Farm of Many Colors”
Author Angie Edge introduces children to the concept that fresh and healthy food come from the farm. Students are introduced to a variety of foods from "The Plate", and animals that live on a farm all categorized by color. The kids will have a fun time with Grandpa & Grandma learning more about the farm and the nutritious food it provides. A cheese snack will be provided. Allow approx. 45 minutes.
Wisconsin Model Academic Standards and Common Core Standards
Updated 11/27/13
- Health: 7:1:A1
- English Language Arts: K.RL.5.; K.RL.7; K.RL.10; K.RF.2a; K.SL.2; K.L.5a
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources: AS1.a2.e; AS4.a.1.e; FPP1.a.1.e; FPP4.b.1.e; FPP4.b.2.e; FPP4.c.1.e
- Nutrition: A.4.1; C.4.2; C.4.4; D4.1; E4.1; F.4.1; F.4.2; F.4.3;
- Science: H.4.3

1st Grade --- “My field Trip to a Wisconsin Dairy Farm”
"My Field Trip to a Wisconsin Dairy Farm" takes children on a virtual tour of a Wisconsin farm through the "eyes" of first grader, Tyler Bowie and his journal takes notes of his field trip to the farm. Students will learn about the community of farming, how work done on a farm is based on the seasons, identify food origins and how to categorize foods by food groups. A video (USB) will be viewed to enhance the program. We will be making butter. Please provide napkins or paper towels to place on desks. Allow approx 1 hour.
Learning Standards NGSS
- (Science) 1-ESS1-2
- English Language SL 1-3
- Social Studies A.4.4 A.4.7 B.4.9 D.4.3
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR)
ABS6.a.2.e ABS6.d.1.e AS.a.1.e AS1.a.2.e AS2.a.1.e AS4.a.1.e AS7.a.1.e AS8.a.1.e BT2.f.2.e
FPP4.b.1.e FPP4.b.2.e FPP4.b.3.e PS2.b.1.e PS3.e.2.e PST1.d.1.e A.4.4 B.4.4 F.4.1F.4.3 F.4.4

2nd Grade --- “Curd Science"
"Curd Science: The Incredible Journey from Milk to Curd" takes children on a journey through the "eyes" of second grader and scientist, Violet Anderson, as she discovers how milk is made into Wisconsin cheese. Students will experience the process of turning a liquid-milk, into a solid-Wisconsin cheese. The steps of cheesemaking are brought "under the microscope" for students to learn and understand the important role of science in making cheese and the importance of dairy in building healthy bodies. Students will view a video to enhance the program, and will enjoy participating in a cheese tasting/judging event. Allow approx 1 hour.
Learning Standards
- NGSS (Science) 2-PS1-1; PS1. A; PS1. B
- ELA/Literacy RI.2.1 RI2.3 RI.2.8 W.2.8
- AFNR AS1.a.1.e As1.a.2.e AS2.a.1.e AS4.a.1.e FPP4.b.1.e
- Nutrition B.4.4 D.4.3 F.4.2 F.4.3

3rd Grade --- “Chemistry of Life"
The video "Chemistry of Life" enlightens the students to the bio chemical processes are responsible for the milk we drink or the cheese we eat. A fun trivia activity will help students learn more about dairy. A dairy snack is included along with handouts. Set aside 60 minutes for this presentation.

4th Grade --- “Mapping Out a Healthy Wisconsin”
This interactive lesson available for classroom presentations using whiteboard technology highlights the impact of agriculture in Wisconsin and discusses 16 foods produced in Wisconsin. The lesson compliments the 4th grade Wisconsin social studies unit. Approx 60 minutes. A dairy snack and handouts will be provided. A different version of this program is available. Ask your ambassador for details.
Wisconsin Model Academic Standards
- Language Arts: SL4.3
- Math: 4NF.6
- Social Studies: A.4.7; D.4.1; D.4.3; D.4.6
- Nutrition: A.4.1; A.4.4; B.4.4; D.4.3; F.4.4
- Agriculture: AS4.a.1.e; FPP1.a.2.e; FPP3.a.5.e; FPP4.b.1.e-FPP4.b.3.e

5th Grade --- "13 Gifts of Milk" & "Farm & Dairy Science"
This visual presentation encourages good nutrition by showing students, through the use of visual props, the 13 gifts we get from milk and encourages them to choose healthy beverages. "The Dairy Science" show how dairy farming has changed in the past 200 years. What science is involved in providing us with products like milk & cheese . The presentation includes a cheese snack and handouts. Approx 60 min.